BPM will participate in 2020 Bio Asia-Taiwan, Taipei

July 23-26, Bio Preventive Medicine (BPM) was invited to deliver presentations at Taiwan BioTech Accelerator Forum, and will participate in 2020 Bio Asia-Taiwan Exhibition (Online+Live) and BIO Asia One-on-One Partnering meeting

For live exhibition, BPM is going to exhibit at 2020 Bio Asia-Taiwan (Taipei Nangang Exhibition Center Hall 2 (TaiNEX2), booth S104) from July 23-26, 2020 in Taipei, Taiwan.

For online virtual exhibition, please visit: https://bioasiataiwan.vfairs.com/

Dr. Tzu-Ling (Karen) Tseng, CEO, was invited to give presentations on July 23-26 as follows

Date Time Title Building Location


16:00-16:05 Bio Preventive Medicine Corp. (BPM)-
A leading company in the novel renal biomarker area

Taipei Nangang Exhibition Center Hall 2 (TaiNEX2)



11:50-12:00 Bio Preventive Medicine Corp. (BPM)-
A leading company in the novel renal biomarker area
Taipei Nangang Exhibition Center Hall 2 (TaiNEX2)



14:40-15:00 Innovative Renal Diagnostic Solution for Precision Management of
Chronic Kidney Disease
Taipei Nangang Exhibition Center Hall 2 (TaiNEX2)


For more information about BIO Asia 2020 Taiwan, please visit: https://bioasiataiwan.com/zhtw